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Marbella, penultimate stop of the Spanish Championship of Poker

The Costa del Sol hosts the fifth annual test of the Spanish Championship of Poker organized by CasinoBarcelona.es. Jose A. Vazquez is the leader of the general. The Championship of Spain of Poker reaches final stretch of the season. The circuit organized by CasinoBarcelona.es reaches the Costa del Sol, to the Casino of Marbella, where it will celebrate its fifth stop of the course before finishing in the Peralada Casino. Casino Marbella has become primarily a national and Betway online casino no deposit bonus international reference of poker, accepting evidence of national and international, Betway free spin no deposit as ESPT & UKIPT, so the presence of the CEP does nothing but highlight your good potential, both for the national public As for the British and European who lives on the coast of Malaga.

From 26 to 30 October , the Championship of Spain of Poker will continue to seek the next champion of the circuit. A title that, for the moment, has three clear candidates. A total of ten players are over six hundred points in the overall standings, where he now include three names: Jose Luis Urrutia, Steve Enriquez and Jose Antonio Vazquez . This last one is the leader, although it should not be neglected before a “Spartan” Urrutia that foresees to be hard to gnaw. Main Event since Thursday From the afternoon of Thursday, October 27th, the Main Event will be open for all online qualifiers and also the classified satellite in the face Wednesday afternoon.

This will have an entry price of € 500, with 30,000 chips and blind levels of 60 minutes on days 1 and 2, increasing to 75 on Day 3. There will be possibility of late registration and unlimited re-entry in the first five levels of play. In addition, there will be another series of events that will serve to complete the calendar Marbella CEP 2016. Both Wednesday and Thursday there will be satellites to the Main Event, while Friday will be held a Side Event 8-Max of € 100 .

For the day Saturday a new edition of premiering Mini-CEP, € 150 input and two days. Finally, on Sunday you will play the Parallel Bounty , with the possibility of re – entry and entry of 115 €.

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